Brief info
Kia ora
I am Cheyna Hinetai Paniora I was named Hinetai which translates as “Woman of the sea”
I have 3 handsome sons who keep me grounded, whom I work hard for everyday to fulfill the needs of their future.
I am the Eldest Daughter. I have been brought up in and around the water for my entire Life and I LOVE IT!! Fishing Mostly but keen gatherer and water bender too!
I love every element of the sea ,the calming effect of its presence on your soul, the food it provides and the fun we have swimming and other recreational activities. The best part of it is that it brings my family together as one and that’s everything to me.
Panapa charters isn't only our family run business it's our mana, it's our integrity and it's our Life.
I am Cheyna Hinetai Paniora. I am 31 with three beautiful sons and I am proud to be a co owner/ shareholder in Panapa Charters Ltd.